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"The Julio Bocca Foundation is one of the Argentine non-profit foundations that pioneered the development of financial aid programs for students from all over the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC and LATIN AMERICA., who wish to start or continue their academic development in the field of Dance or Musical Theatre, within the framework of the academic calendar of their SCHOOL OF MUSICAL THEATRE & DANCES with more than 20 years of experience

An extensive program of exchanges with other institutions of similar academic and social profiles from the rest of LATIN AMERICA adds to the entire academic offer of our institution, Founded by Maestro Julio Bocca in 1998, practically on par with the renowned Argentine Ballet, which has toured the stages around the world, reaping an immense amount of success, and now extinct.

The imprint, the level of demand, the experience and the excellence to which Master Julio Bocca has accustomed us, can be observed and verified in the level of teachers and staff who develop academic and social activities in our institution, allowing students to make contact with the high learning value of excellence for 20 years, with more than 18,000 students, for example, passing through our classrooms, and more than 30% of the professionals in the Musical Theatre sector of the national stage who are active today, harvesting applause, those who are or were alumni; as well as 38% of the teachers who give regular classes or seminars in the best Dance Institutes and Musical Theater Schools in our country, are or were students of this institution.

We have an academic structure commanded by Prof. Silvana Sapia and a STAFF of more than 80 professionals, who develop, control and design educational projects and programs in our headquarters of CENTRO (CABA Buenos Aires) and PILAR (Pcia. de Buenos Aires), as well as in our new spaces TIGRE and CONCEPCIÓN DEL URUGUAY. 

The academic area has been formed during the last 20 years, by names of high prestige in the artistic and academic field of the disciplines that are developed or developed on a regular basis or in their Master Class formats or seminars, such as: Silvia Basilis, Sonia Von Potobski, Katy Gallo, Raul Candal, Eleonora Cassano, Lidia Segni, Ana María Stekelman, Cecilia Figaredo, Maestro Ricardo Rivas, Maestro Daniel Negroni, Maestro Adrián Seijas; Roberto Peloni, Gustavo Wons, among other important references. 

Recognized as a transparent foundation and leaders in the delivery of GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS and program development, both for seminars and regular courses in our establishments and scholarships abroad to the most recognized dance institutions of international renown.

We are pioneers in the development of social programs such as:

BECAS PI (PAIS INTEGRADO ) aimed at expressly benefiting students in their academic process who reside more than 300 km from Federal Capital.

"BECAS BAL (BECAS AMERICA LATINA)  aimed at expressly benefiting students from any Latin American country in their academic process.

"BECAS  POTENCIATE" aimed to benefit in their academic process expressly students who come from any part of the country and who are convened within the program
POTENCIATE of the City of Buenos Aires dedicated to "Empower" the individual with scarce resources.

PROGRAMA (Opisu) Provincial Agency for Social and Urban Integration, promoted by the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires as part of a project to meet the academic needs and artistic development of the 6 neighbourhoods (outside the Federal Capital) of the Province of Buenos Aires.

APADRINARTE, financial aid program supported by a patron who provides "ad hoc" for one or more students in particular.

  • BECAS P I (PAÍS INTEGRADO) dirigidas a beneficiar en su proceso académico expresamente a los alumnos que residan a más de 300 km de Capital Federal.
  • BECAS BAL dirigidas a beneficiar en su proceso académico expresamente a los alumnos que procedan de cualquier país latinoamericano.
  • BECAS POTENCIATE dirigidas a beneficiar en su proceso académico expresamente a los alumnos que procedan de cualquier parte del país y que sean convocados dentro del programa POTENCIATE de la Ciudad De Buenos Aires dedicado a “Potenciar” al individuo con escasos recursos.  
  • PROGRAMA (Opisu) Organismo Provincial de Integración Social y Urbana, promovido por el Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en el marco de un proyecto para atender la necesidad académica y desarrollo artístico de los 6 barrios (extramuros de la Capital Federal) más vulnerables de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
  • APADRINARTE, programa de ayuda económica soportado por un mecenas que aporta “ad hoc” para uno o más alumnos en particular.

The agreements signed with ASTOR PIAZZOLLA FOUNDATION, COELHO & OLGUIN STUDIO, RECEPTIVE ACADEMIC TOURIST PROGRAMS "DANCE IN BUENOS AIRES " of a recognized tourism firm, positions us as the best academic referents of LATIN AMERICA.




  • President: Elena Olga Presas
  • Vice-President: Mirta Svarzmann
  • Treasurer: Luisa Elena Hernandez
  • Secretary: Oscar Javier Novoa
  • Vocal: Laura Kulfas
  • Vocal: Analía Canale




Carlos A Repetto


Prof. Silvana Sapia


Maestro Marcelo Macri


Ariel Faró

Coordination Sede Capital: Ariel Faró
Coordination Sede Pilar: Leandro Cavalca
Espacio Tigre: Hernán Luna
Espacio Concepción: Gisela Salvarezza

www.riouruguay.com.arwww.danstore.com.arwww.hardance.comwww.chandon.com.arwww.msyj.com.arhttps://www.comafi.com.ar/https://www.facebook.com/FundacionJulioBocca/photos/pcb.3084819464906950/3084819241573639https://acer.org.ar/https://www.alma-alzheimer.org.ar/https://www.fundalc.org/http://www.fundacionunnuevocomienzo.org/https://www.bisblick.org/https://www.serargentino.com/http://www.manosenaccionargentina.org/https://patronatodelainfancia.org/https://www.datcosoluciones.com.ar/https://www.aldeasinfantiles.org.ar/ http://milmileniosdepaz.org/
© 2023 Todos los derechos reservados para Fundación Julio Bocca